Advice on how to collect your winnings, act once you’ve done so, and maintain your composure.
The odds of winning the 파워볼사이트 Powerball are 1 in over 292,000,000, whereas the odds of being hit by lightning in your lifetime are higher. Additionally, it is not a wise financial move to play the lotto.
However, the most of us have undoubtedly daydreamed for a moment about what we would do with an extra $100 million. Actually, if you were to be very fortunate, financial experts (and previous lottery winners) offer some suggestions on what to do.
Earlier than handing up the winning lottery ticket
Keep your lotto ticket safe. The genuine lottery ticket should be kept locked up in a safe deposit box at the bank or personal safe. Make multiple copies on both sides to show to your attorney and/or accountant (see below).
When your team of advisors is prepared, have them go over the terms of the agreement before you sign the original lottery ticket. In some situations, doing so could preclude you from later establishing a blind trust.
Breathe deeply and move slowly. Don’t rush to the lottery office the next morning; you have until a certain time to turn in your ticket. The period to claim the lottery might range from a few days to a year, depending on the type of prize you win and the state you are in.
On the lottery organization’s website, you can verify that information. Give yourself some time to calm down, then, before calling the lottery officials, carefully work to assemble your team and prepare your preparations.
Maintaining your privacy. Keep your lotto win to yourself as much as you can, particularly before giving anyone your lottery ticket, as tempting as it may be to shout it from the rooftops and host a big party to celebrate.
You can be required by some lotteries to go public with your name, participate in press conferences or give interviews. If so, make sure to set up a new 파워볼사이트 PO Box and alter your phone number ahead to prevent getting flooded with requests.
In order to accept the money secretly and keep your name out of the public eye, you might also want to think about setting up a blind trust with the help of your attorney.
Assemble an expert team. Finding them should be one of your first actions prior to claiming your money. You will need a lawyer, an accountant, and a financial adviser who have experience with large financial gains that occur suddenly.
Create a broad strategy. Think about the big picture of what you want to achieve with this money before you begin discussing specific financial strategies with your advisors. To assist keep things on track in the long run, list your personal, financial, lifestyle, family, and charitable goals in writing. Then, refer back to that strategy.
Annuities or One-Time Payments One of the first choices you and your team will have to make is whether you like to be paid annually over time or receive your earnings in a single lump sum (often roughly 60% of the entire value).
Long-term investments require sound financial judgment and boundaries, but with careful preparation, you might be able to have your total earnings increase more than they would have through annuity payments in the future.
An annual payment, on the other hand, is a reliable and responsible way to guarantee that you’ll continue to generate income for the most of your adult life if you need some structural assistance to prevent spending too quickly.
Prepare for the future. Unfortunately, becoming immortal is also unlikely to result from winning the lotto. As soon as possible, work with your team to establish your estate planning, including your will, to ensure the welfare of your family in the event of your passing.