If you’re running a clinical trial, there are several stages to consider. First, you need to find the right candidates and get them to agree to participate in your study. Then, you must recruit patients and ensure they complete the trial correctly before you can even start analyzing their data. With this in mind, it might be time to consider whether you should use remote DCT screening instead of conventional face-to-face approaches.
By using remote screening of patients for DCT, you can save on the costs associated with travel and site fees. Additionally, you’ll need fewer on-site staff to manage the trial, further reducing your costs.
Access to Medical Records
One of the benefits of using a remote DCT screening is the ability to access medical records. With this information, you can ensure that patients are eligible for the trial and meet the inclusion/exclusion criteria.
Share your site with Study Participants
Now that your site is running, it’s time to invite study participants. There are a few ways to do this, but the most effective is to share your site with potential participants through social media and other online channels.
Go paperless for Sign-On, Enrollment and EMR Access
A recent study by the eClinical Forum found that electronic informed consent (EIC) can help improve patient engagement and enrollment in clinical trials. As a result, patients are more engaged when there is an interactive, informative consent process for participation. According to Medable, “It takes less time to review EIC than paper-based IC, and patients find it easier to understand the risks involved with their treatment.”
Easy Data Collection
One of the main benefits of using a decentralized clinical trial is that it makes data collection much more accessible. With remote screening, you can collect data from anywhere in the world, at any time. a) All you need to do is have a phone or computer with internet access. Then, you’ll be able to set up an appointment for people to go through your screeners and when they are done, just download the results for analysis!
Automated Patient ID Repository
The Patient ID Repository is a secure, HIPAA-compliant way to store and manage patient information. Using the repository means you can get the data you need without repeatedly asking patients for it.
Paperless Consent Process
With digital DCT screening, you can do away with paper entirely. This is not only more efficient, but it’s also more secure. Paper records have a high risk of being misplaced or damaged, leading to data loss and access issues. Digital records are stored in one central location, so they’re always available when needed.
Appointment Reminders
It’s essential to ensure your participants show up for their appointments; appointment reminders can help with that. With remote DCT screening, you can send reminders through the app, email, or text message.
In conclusion, there are many good reasons to use remote DCT screening for your next clinical trial. First, the technology is sound, the process is efficient, and it can save you time and money.