Gastroesophageal reflux or acid reflux is a condition that affects a large number of people at some point in their lifetime. It may result in uneasiness, pain and an uncomfortable feeling in the stomach area especially after a meal. Knowing what indigestion is, the causes of indigestion and the signs of indigestion can enable one to deal with the problem and enhance digestion.
What Is Indigestion?
Indigestion is a condition which is related to the stomach and leads to discomfort in the upper part of the abdomen. It can be brought on by a number of causes which include dietary factors, behavioral factors or even a medical condition. Some of the symptoms include; bloating, nausea, heartburn, and a feeling of fullness.
Common Causes of Indigestion
- Dietary Choices: Some of the foods that cause indigestion include foods that are rich in fat, spicy foods or foods that are acidic in nature. Eating more food than the required or eating food too fast also burdens the digestive system hence causing some uneasiness.
- Stress: Some of the factors that may contribute to indigestion may include stress that is emotional or mental since they can slow down the process of digestion.
- Lifestyle Factors: Some of the causes of indigestion include smoking, taking too much alcohol and caffeine intake.
- Medications: Some drugs that are taken in the body like anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics are known to cause irritation of the stomach lining thus leading to indigestion.
- Underlying Health Conditions: Some of the causes of chronic indigestion include; gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), ulcers, or even irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Symptoms of Indigestion
While symptoms may vary from person to person, common signs of indigestion include:While symptoms may vary from person to person, common signs of indigestion include:
- Discomfort or pain in abdomen
- Swelling of abdomen
- Excessive belching or gas
- Nausea
- A bitter taste in the mouth
If you face these symptoms you can refer to a Best Gastroenterologist in Lahore.
Indigestion Remedies
- Eat Smaller Meals: Avoid taking big and bulky meals and rather take small meals frequently. This minimizes the workload of your digestive organs.
- Chew Slowly and Thoroughly: Chewing your food also slows down the rate at which you eat hence helping in digestion without taking in more calories than necessary.
- Avoid Trigger Foods: Avoid foods that are rich in fats, chili or other spicy foods and foods that are high in acid content since they trigger indigestion.
- Limit Alcohol and Caffeine: Avoiding these drinks can help you avoid the problems of indigestion.
- Quit Smoking: These include; Smoking has been shown to slow down digestion and cause inflammation of the lining of the stomach thus increasing the chances of indigestion.
- Manage Stress: Other nondrug methods to decrease stress-related indigestion include deep breathing, yoga, or meditation.
- Stay Hydrated: It is recommended that one should take a lot of water to enhance the process of digestion as well as to avoid stomach ulcers.
- Elevate Your Head While Sleeping: If you have indigestion or acid reflux in the night try elevating the head of the bed or using more pillows to keep the acids down.
When Should You Visit a Doctor?
Although it is normal to have indigestion every now and then, persistent or severe cases could be a sign of another problem. Seek medical attention if you experience:Seek medical attention if you experience:
- Frequent vomiting
- Unexplained weight loss
- Difficulty swallowing
- Vomiting or having stools that contain blood.
- Severe, persistent pain
It can be quite painful, however, it is a common problem that can be easily solved by making certain changes in one’s diet and lifestyle. If you recognise your triggers and make minor adjustments, you will no longer have to suffer from indigestion and can have better digestive health. If the symptoms remain unalleviated it may be best to seek medical advice from Best Gastroenterologist in Rawalpindi in order to eliminate other potential causes and obtain better treatment regimens.