Workplace accidents are more common in some industries in Illinois than in others. If you were hurt on the job and want to file a workers’ compensation claim (which you should) to recover benefits, you must be cautious about each step. Hiring an attorney to get help for your claim could be a great step, and in this post, we discuss reasons why this is crucial.
To understand the benefits
First and foremost, you should know that no two workers’ compensation claims are the same. As such, reviewing each case on merit is essential. You need a capable and competent attorney to evaluate the benefits you can recover. In general, benefits available to injured workers include the cost of reasonable medical care, temporary disability benefits, permanent disability benefits, and vocational rehabilitation.
To calculate benefits
Besides understanding what benefits you can recover through your claim, your attorney will also put a value to your workers’ compensation claim. The step is particularly crucial for getting disability benefits, which are based on average weekly wages and other details. There are also maximums and minimums. You need an attorney so that you don’t miss the details.
To take legal action
While your employer can terminate you from the job for any reason, they cannot retaliate against you for filing a workers’ compensation claim. You need an attorney who will fight for you in such circumstances and ensure you have a fair overview of the legal options and the next steps.
To negotiate and discuss
Insurance companies are eventually responsible for paying the workers’ compensation benefits to claimants, and these for-profit businesses don’t care for injured workers. You need an attorney who can represent you and talk on your behalf. You can also avoid talking to the claims adjuster directly, who will try to get a statement.
To file an appeal
If your workers’ compensation claim is wrongfully denied, you can file an appeal with the Commission. You will have to adhere to the deadline and follow the required process. It is also necessary that you have the required evidence. With an attorney, you don’t have to do anything except furnish the requested details.
It doesn’t cost anything upfront to hire a lawyer for your case. Law firms in Illinois usually work on contingency, which means your attorney only gets a share of the workers’ compensation benefits you recover. Make a list of lawyers and contact a few to get a quick meeting.