In 2004, Ben Hammersly, a journalist, coined the term “podcast” in his article about a new boom in digital radio. Fast forward to 2022, there exist over 2.4 million podcasts with over 66 million episodes. Consequently, research suggests that over half of the American population listens to podcasts daily.
Growing Your Audience With Podcast Transcripts
There is stiff competition for podcast producers to establish and maintain an audience. That is where podcast transcriptions come in. A podcast transcript is a word-for-word layout of the audio and or visual content of the broadcast. These transcripts help amplify your productions on search engines such as Google, which leads to more people discovering and interacting with your content. Having stated the basis of podcast transcripts and the general benefits of collaborating with an effective transcription service, here are five reasons why you should transcribe a podcast today.
Better SEO Rankings
As mentioned, the transcription helps amplify your brand visibility on SEO engines. Search engines do not index audio information. To overcome this limitation, creators should make the transcribed versions of audio content searchable on their platforms. Consequently, if your content covers popularly searched topics, then the transcribed version appears among other top picks during searches.
Improved SEO rankings bring in new listeners on a daily basis, regardless of your niche. Consequently, transcribed audio content reaches individuals interested in the topics you discuss. Therefore, you will only worry about generating good content while the new listeners organically find their way to your channel.
A Wider Range of Listeners
Some people do not have the time to sit through a whole podcast despite their interest in the topic in question. Transcription allows them to quickly skim the text content and still interact with your brand despite their busy schedule.
People with a hearing impairment or a simple preference for reading also feel welcome to your podcast once you provide effective transcription. Therefore, transcription is the best resource to add to your arsenal to meet each listener’s needs when they find your channel.
Consequently, engaging transcribed versions of your content will attract bloggers and literary critics who can dissect and use your text to promote your content to their followers. Transcripts also reach people who do not share the same language, as they are easily translatable.
Content for Other Audiences
Podcast transcription helps you make the most of the content you worked so hard to create. For instance, using social media platforms to reach even further audiences is a common tactic among podcasters. The transcribed content is more engaging and prompts social media algorithms to promote your content.
Additionally, you could also start a blog where you post every episode in written form in written transcripts. This will help you save time in generating new ideas for every existing content and constantly bring in new listeners.
Examples of how to repurpose your transcribed content include:
- Creating snippets from social media in the form of quotes
- Sending transcripts as newsletters to your subscribers
- Turning podcast content to blog posts and as a segue to related topics
Cross-Selling and Marketing Opportunities
Again, the main thing is ensuring that each potential individual who shares in your school of thought receives the information in the preferred form. Transcribed content is resealable as books, guides, mini-courses, and so much more. The possibilities are endless! Just ensure that your content is engaging and your transcriptions are on point.
Better User Experience
For podcasts that do not offer a video version, it becomes mundane for people to sit through an entire episode. For those who like to sit down and consume their chosen media instead of while exercising or cooking, displayed text on the screen makes the whole session more palatable.
Ensuring the Quality of Your Transcripts
Generating your transcription while simultaneously searching for podcast ideas is time-consuming and may reduce the quality on both ends. However, the wrong transcription service provider may fail to reflect your vibe and personality on the content you share with them. Therefore, ensure that you outsource the best transcriber who is affordable, timely, and effective.
Moreover, it is more tempting to opt for automated transcription services than manually generated texts. However, computerized transcripts may fail to accurately depict your words due to accent, fast speech, low audio quality, limited vocabulary, and overlapping dialogue. Therefore, if you are going to contract a transcriber, make sure you do it right to reap all the benefits stated above.