Have you ever been sitting in front of the TV and suddenly saw a hazy little head completely obscuring your view? Is it really watching TV when you are? What exactly draws your dog to TV? Can dogs really watch TV the way we do? Do they watch TV shows for dogs? Let’s find out.
Do dogs watch TV?
Dogs can watch TV and many dogs seem to like it. Dogs are attracted to different features of TV shows. Some have to do with the sound of the TV, some are visual like movement. Because dogs’ eyes are very different from ours, dogs see things differently on TV than humans do. You may prefer sitting closer to the TV than us because it helps keep it crisp.
Their retinas contain only two types of color-processing cells, so they see colors differently (there are three). Seeing only blue, green and yellow, the dog is playing with a yellow frisbee while sprinting across the grass against a blue sky as opposed to lounging next to a red and white picnic table
Dogs are very intriguing!
Dogs also have more rods in their eyes than humans. The cells that improve night vision are rods. Dogs are very sensitive to movement and have excellent night vision. Dogs also see images differently, especially on older TVs. If your screen refresh rate is higher than 55 Hertz, you won’t feel any visual flickering. Dogs, on the other hand, have excellent kinesthetic sense and can detect flicker up to 75 hertz.
Therefore, if we are watching a typical TV programme at 60 hertz, the image will appear smooth to us, but it will flicker to dogs. Fortunately, more recent TVs refresh more frequently, and laptops and desktops refresh more frequently as well, so not only do so benefit from a better image in addition to us!
Do Dogs Recognize the Unreality of TV?
Some dogs appear to take television considerably more seriously than others, making it difficult to determine what they are “thinking” while they watch it. However, it does seem that dogs are able to recognise other animals on television, respond to their barking, and easily discriminate between real dogs and cartoon dogs.
Dogs, however, also greatly rely on other senses, such as scent, which is obviously impossible to see on television. Dogs probably do realize that the image on the screen isn’t genuine, but rather a depiction of an animal or figure, based on the disconnect with their most vital sense (odor).
What Sort of TV Programs Do Dogs Enjoy?
Dogs like watching shows with moving animals in general, and they would rather see a genuine animal than a cartoon.
If you want to see if your dog is interested in TV, choose a show from your list and watch their behavior. Many popular TV programmes have been shown in research to be calming for dogs. Dog owners forced their dogs to watch series like Rick & Morty, Friends, Bridgerton, and Puper Academy in a recent research by Betway Online Casino. Among them, Friends and Bridgerton stood up as the most peaceful and calming TV programmes, helping the owners’ dogs sleep well at night.
Test out various programmes until you find one that your dog enjoys—and then pray you won’t have to battle them for the remote!
Should You Let Your Dog Watch TV?
There are now stations specifically for dogs, and there are advertisements claiming that viewing dog TV helps soothe and quiet your dog. Dog TV has become somewhat of a “thing.” Is this a fact? The verdict is yet out.
Dogs are most likely more sociable when watching TV with their owners. When left alone, they tend to either cuddle up and sleep or pursue their own interests.
However, as long as TV time doesn’t interfere with playing, outdoor time, or other activities for your dog, you are probably not doing any harm by keeping it on when you walk out.