Bullying is a universal issue these days. It has its impact overall everywhere but it has captured the education sector especially. It is basically described as aggressive, violent, non-acceptable inhuman behaviour by any individual, group or society to another individual, community or society. This affects the psychological, mental and physical health of the victim. Students’ life is that tender life when the good or bad experiences make a long-term effect. In the same way Bullying also has a long-term effect on the psychological system of the students. It has been human behaviour from the very time of evolution that the weak are exploited by the powerful and this same thing is still going on in our society and almost everywhere having a new face named as Bullying. Bullying is that behaviour under which the weaker one is dominated by the stronger one doesn’t matter in the matter of individual, community or society. It includes insulting, threatening behaviour, maltreatment, non-cooperation, and exploiting in an inhuman way. Mostly this behaviour can be found in the school where a strong and powerful student bully the weaker ones in the class physically and mentally. This has no official definition but it can be defined as hurtful behaviour which is designed to hurt someone’s feelings and emotions and sometimes during this process a person is made to do many unwilling things. For example, bad name calling, hitting, abusing, defaming, kicking, slapping, punching or making fun of someone in front of everyone and behaviour like this comes under the category of Verbal Bullying. Though school managements have opted for tools of modern education like LMS and ERP and these tools are stopping bullying during online classes but during offline classes bullying is still a big issue.
In educational institutions tools like LMS and ERP help the students in learning a lot but in serious issues like bullying students have to seek help from tutors and authorities. One can help the other person suffering bullying. If one musters the courage then he or she can directly intervene saying, “Mister I don’t think that’s a good way to push an innocent person like him.” Instead of punishing the bully immediately one should try to make him or her understand that such behaviour is not only breaking mentally the suffering person but also ruining the reputation of the bully in society. Tutors should meet the suffering student and console him/her by offering your help to him/her and listen to his/her side of story. Let him/her tell everything and lash out his/her stress out so that he/she can attain mental peace and calm. Console the suffering person and make him/her understand that you are there to help him/her. Boost up the morale of the person to report the case to an authority who can take action against the bully. Bullies have a tendency of targeting those students especially whose emotional state of mind is very weak and they have a very weak level of self-confidence.
Teachers have to be very focused on the behavior of the students because a relational form of bullying remains between the bully and the victim and isn’t visible to anyone at all because the victim is under control of the bully. Other than the classroom there are many chosen and favorite places for bullies where they like to bully students like bathroom, hallway, volleyball courtyard, lunchroom. Often it happens in schools and colleges that one of your good friend bullies someone badly inside or outside the peer group and you feel ashamed but can’t do anything because this time bully is your friend, then immediately you need to ask your conscience what needs to be done there and you should immediately confront your friend and stop him/her from doing so. Doing this you are doing two good things- one you are saving an innocent from being bullied and second you are saving your friend by taking a burden of wrong deed on his/her conscience.
Sometimes some tactics keep you safe from bullies. So, it is necessary that one should always look confident so that the bully should think 10 times before choosing to bully. He should always be confused due to your confident look that bullying this person can cause him harm because another person is looking so confident. This tactic often works very positively. Most importantly, one must share this situation to others also. Sharing may not solve the issue but sometimes by sharing such things the victim gets strength to fight back or sometimes just by sharing to anyone, unknowingly you share the issue with the correct person and he or she provides you the correct solution which you were not aware of till now.