Texans are fiercely independent. We like our wide-open spaces, and there’s just something about owning land that feels like you’re doing something. If you’re considering buying land in Texas, here are some things to consider.
1. Location
Location is one of the most important things to consider when buying land. The climate, the quality of the soil, and the surrounding area can all significantly impact what you can do with the land and how much it will ultimately be worth. For example, if you’re looking to build a home, you’ll want to ensure that the land is in an area with a stable climate.
2. Property Setbacks
If you’ve asked yourself where to buy land in Bastrop County, it’s important to consider property setbacks. A setback is the minimum distance a structure must be from the property line. Setbacks vary depending on where you’re looking to buy land, but why are setbacks necessary? For one, they ensure that your neighbor’s property isn’t too close to yours. They also help prevent overcrowding in an area and provide a buffer zone in case of fire.
3. Zoning Requirements
If you’ve asked yourself where to buy land in Bastrop County, there are many things to consider. One important thing to keep in mind is zoning requirements. Zoning requirements dictate what can and can’t be built on a piece of land, so it’s essential to ensure that the land you’re considering is zoned for the type of development you’re planning.
In Bastrop County, for example, agricultural and livestock activities are only allowed in certain areas. If you’re looking to buy land for farming or ranching, you’ll need to ensure that the land you’re considering is in an agricultural district. Otherwise, you may need help to use the land for your intended purpose.
4. Natural Hazards
Natural hazards are an essential thing to consider when buying land because they can have a significant impact on the property’s value. For example, it may be challenging to obtain insurance coverage if a property is in an area prone to flooding. In addition, natural hazards can also pose a safety risk to occupants of the property.
5. Utility Sources
When you’re looking at purchasing land; whether for a home, a farm, or anything else – you need to consider the available utility sources. After all, you’ll need water, electricity, gas, and septic. Bastrop County is a great place to buy land, but please know where the utility easements are. These are typically areas where the power, water, and gas lines run, and you’ll want to avoid them if possible.
Where to Buy Land in Bastrop County – In Summary
Buying land in Bastrop County is a great option if you’re looking for an investment that will appreciate the value and give you much enjoyment. The rolling hills, oak trees, and friendly people make it a wonderful place to live. And as more people move to Austin, the demand for housing in Bastrop County will continue to increase. So don’t wait; invest in land in Bastrop County today.