Given the alternative, the fact that you’re going to age is a good thing. While you have no control over the sands of time, there are some aspects of aging that are within your control. Taking the right steps will help you to age more gracefully and live your life to the fullest — however long it lasts.
There are many reasons why men might struggle with aging. From hair loss to weight gain, the physical changes that accompany aging can cut down a man’s confidence. Here are some tips to keep yourself looking and feeling as young as possible, even as the calendars start to pile up.
1. Maintain Your Hair
For better or for worse, your hair can say a lot about your age. Hair that is streaked with gray and thinning all over is a classic sign of old age. Truthfully, there are men who look fantastic with a silver mane or with a shaved head. However, not everyone wants to try these looks and would prefer to keep their tried-and-true hairstyle for as long as possible.
Hair care products that include ingredients such as biotin and niacin may help prolong the life of your hair. Other products, such as those containing formaldehyde, have been associated with hair loss (although this link hasn’t been definitively established). Do some research into the ingredients included in your shampoo, conditioner, and hair gel so you can select the best products for you.
If you’re concerned about your receding or thinning hair, you can also look into hair loss treatment. Such treatment can slow down and even reverse some of the effects of male pattern baldness. Keeping a full head of hair even in your later years can make you feel young.
2. Exercise Regularly
You’ve heard it before, and you’re going to hear it again. Exercise is crucial for your overall health and the maintenance of your body. At some point, you need to make good on that New Year’s resolution to get to the gym. It’s better to start late than never.
Exercise does a lot to keep your body in shape even into advanced age. It improves blood flow, burns excess fats, boosts your immune system, and increases your energy levels. Regular exercise slows down the aging process by keeping your body in top shape.
And you don’t need to follow a rigorous training program to reap the benefits. Just 30 minutes of exercise a day over several years can put you in a great place. So even taking a brisk daily stroll through the park during your lunch break can have a great impact.
3. Watch What You Eat
You can hardly talk about exercise without also mentioning a proper diet. It’s the combination of the two that will truly help you look and feel your best.
You know to avoid food that is high in salt, sugar, and fats and to eat your fruits and vegetables. You’ve probably been told a thousand times what you should and should not be eating. What you might not have internalized yet is that how much you’re eating can be just as important as what you are eating.
You could be following a diet that passes inspection, yet your calorie intake is through the roof. It won’t matter that the beef you’re eating is lean if you’re consuming twice the recommended serving every night. Overeating will lead to weight gain, even if your food selections are reasonably healthy ones. Therefore, aim to eat in moderation and balance large meals with sufficient exercise.
4. Improve Your Sleep Routine
You doubtless feel a lot better after getting a full night’s sleep. However, you might not realize just how impactful proper rest has on your physical appearance. There’s a reason the term “beauty sleep” exists.
The benefits of proper sleep range from reduced stress to better weight management and even a decrease in inflammation. That all adds up to a body that looks and feels younger. It may also lead to better job performance and improved relationships, as you just function better overall when you’re well rested.
So how do you improve your sleep routine? For starters, get to bed earlier. Stick to a nightly routine and plug your phone in away from the bed so you don’t get caught scrolling too late. While it may be tempting to sleep in on weekends, maintaining a consistent sleep schedule will yield the best results.
5. Mind Your Mental Health
As you’re working on your physical health, don’t forget to take care of your mental health as well. There have been numerous studies on the impact that stress, anxiety, and depression have on the body. Experts have tied these conditions to heart disease, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and other physical ailments.
If you’re concerned about your mental health, the approach you take to address it will be unique to your circumstances. A healthy diet, sufficient sleep, and moderate exercise are all known stress reducers, and spending time in nature is another. If your mental health issues require stronger remedies, though, professional counseling and/or medication may help you regulate your emotions.
Society has changing ideas of what it means to be attractive, powerful, and important. What matters most is that you feel happy and confident with how you look and feel, whether you’re 15, 50, or pushing 100.